Below you will find all of the coupon codes that are currently available in Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds, as well as the steps required to redeem them.

Available Coupon Codes

As of now (September 26, 2022), there are 13 known active coupon codes in Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds:

100ninoguesswho guesswho5nino happy100thanks HiggledysGoldgift Higgledyshappy100 Higgledysluckypot mini10guesswho ninoenjoywithfriends ninokuni100daysgift ninokunigiftforyou ourdice22party100 thankyou100 Thankyou4Ninolive

Expired Coupon Codes

As these coupon codes are time-limited, players should be quick in making use of them, so they don’t miss their opportunity entirely. All of the following coupon codes have expired, and will fail if attempted to be redeemed:


How to Redeem Coupon Codes

Of course, these coupon codes wouldn’t be much good if you didn’t know where to redeem them. How you have to go about doing this is dependent on the platform you are playing on. For Android players, this is a bit less involved than it is for iOS or PC players.

For Android, simply open up the pause menu of the game and navigate to Settings, then Miscellaneous. Under this submenu, you will find the Enter Coupon Code option. Click this, then you can begin entering and redeeming your free in-game rewards.

If you are playing on either iOS or PC, you will need to instead head to the account settings. Open the menu, head to Settings, then Account. In here, you will find your PID, which you will need to copy. Then, head to the Ni No Kuni Coupon Event page.

On this page, you must past your PID into the “member code” text box, then you can begin redeeming the coupon codes in the provided box.

That’s all you need to know about redeeming codes in Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds. Look for more Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds guides to come here on GameSkinny.