The story in the X and ZX games revolves around robots called Biometals, creations whose power far exceeds their creators’ expectations. One, in particular, Biometal X, has the power to Megamerge with heroes of the past and can take on their special characteristics.

That’s the big draw in these games: playing as regular Biometal X and using a variety of powers drawn from other robots to completely change your playstyle. It’s pretty standard form for Mega Man on paper, but in practice, it opens up a range of different possibilities and approaches, which the trailer shows off.

Of course, that’s just related to the ZX games. The regular Mega Man Z games are remakes of earlier Zero titles, some of the best and most challenging games in the entire series.

After suffering a slight delay — a herald of more things to come, one might say — the Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection is set to launch on February 25 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

Look forward to our review around that time, and stay tuned to GameSkinng for more Mega Man news as it comes busting in.