Currie is making his journey on the cheap by staying on friends couches throughout his travels. He has booked more than 20 bus tickets which will take him throughout the New Zealand, and as of now, he has caught 90 different Pokémon, which means that he’s over halfway there!

“I wanted to have an adventure,” Currie said. “I have been working for six years and I was desperate for a break. And Pokémon gave me the chance to live that dream.” 

While quitting your job in order to play Pokémon Go may not be the most economical decision, there is something inspiring about what Currie is doing. He’s taking a big risk to do something he is passionate about, and for a lot of people, situations like Currie’s are just daydreams that stay locked up in their heads.  

The stories that have been coming out because of Pokémon Go have definitely been interesting, to say the least. With as many people out there searching far and wide for the little virtual creatures, we’re bound to hear some more crazy stories.