Introducing: More

We now have a formal announcement for our second ultimate skin: Spirit Guard Udyr.  Udyr was recently reworked to try and slightly mitigate some of his problems, most notably his absurd vulnerability to kiting, and his lore changed to bring him into the conflict taking place in Freljord.

Even before the rework Udyr was in dire need of new skins.  He was in the short list of champions who only had two aside from their classic look, and one of them was a recolor only.  While Primal Udyr is not a bad skin, they could have definitely picked a worse champion to receive our second ultimate skin.

What actually makes this skin ultimate tier?

Well obviously it comes with its own summoner icon and profile banner, but those are icing on the cake, not the actual features drawing (most) of us to the skin.  What does it look like and do in the game?

Fear not, summoners!  That particular trick question is answered well!  Those of us who have seen Pulsefire Ezrael know it changes appearance over the course of the game.  As he levels up, the skin applies more and more cybernetic gadgetry and armor over his body, eventually adding flight to his movement animation.

Spirit Guard Udyr does not change appearance as he levels up.  It changes appearance as his various skills hit max rank.  As it hits max rank, he gains more pronounced features of the animal spirit he is channeling.  This is both more interactive and completely characterful.

Even if Udyr is not your champ of choice, be ready to see a lot more of him in the coming days and weeks as people try out this new skin.  Win or lose, at least it will be awesome to look at.