The Humble WB Games bundle includes Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY, FEAR 2: Project Origin, FEAR 3 and The Lord of the Rings: War in the North.  Also, if you donate more than $4.43, you will receive Batman: Arkham City GOTY and Scribblenauts Unlimited.  So that is six video games in one bundle, and some of the money will go to We Can Be Heroes.

Having done some quick math for you, by donating $4.44 you will save yourself $85.52 for those six games!

However, nothing says you have to pay only $4.44 for all six of the games because the proceeds go to a great cause.  If you were to buy the games individually off Steam right now, it would cost you $89.96 which is a good chunk of money, but with the Humble WB Games Bundle you can save yourself some money on six great titles and support a good cause! 

It is also important to note that if you own one of the bundle games that you will not be able to send the key to a friend.  However, you can Gift the game by using the Gift option on Steam and then sending your friend the link to redeem the key.  Make sure to NOT redeem the Gift yourself but simply copy the URL, and send that to your intended recipient!

So why not head to the Humble official website and check out the deal for yourself?