The magazine was created to hold the interest of these kids in a fun, interactive, and educative way while also boosting their development by allowing them different ways to express their natural curiosity without being attached to the television all day long. Most available magazines in this day and age are not appropriate for children especially not the very young ones so the Netflix jr. magazine comes as a welcome gift to all parents looking to interest their kids in a bit more reading while keeping their attention engaged. 

What age group is the Netflix JR Magazine targeted at?

The Netflix jr. Magazine is targeted at young kids of preschool age. 

What does it contain?

Here are some of the fun, engaging items that can be found in it. These were created by experts well versed in the development of young children and the activities that help to increase and boost this development so as a parent, you can be guaranteed that your child is getting appropriate age-friendly content. This content includes; 

Games that feature many favorite children’s characters. Storytime is filled with stories that can be read at bedtime by a parent or by a child learning to read. Arts and crafts so kids can use their imaginations to create as they please. Stickers. Most kids love stickers so they have a wide selection featuring all their favorite characters from Netflix.

How to subscribe?

Parents will have to visit the official site at to subscribe to receive an issue of the magazine whenever it is available. They will be required to fill in a few details such as the parent’s date of birth, address, city, state, zip code, and phone number. You do not need to have an Account on Netflix before signing up for it and after signup, every issue is automatically delivered to you. You don’t need to sign up again after the first time. 

Unfortunately, only residents of the United States are eligible for a doorstep delivery as the magazine is only available there at the moment. Read and accept the terms and privacy of the magazine and click subscribe. Now, relax and wait to be among the first ones to get a copy of any new of it.

If you do not reside in the United States, you can download a copy on the official Netflix jr. Magazine website at and get it printed out at a local library or any available printer.  

What is the time frame for the release of a new Netflix jr. Magazine?

This magazine is published every four months so make sure to keep an eye out for the next publication.

How much does a Netflix jr. Magazine cost?

Well, good news to all those excited to get a Netflix jr. Magazine. It is free of charge with no cost including delivery costs. You don’t have to worry about the cost, just go online, get subscribed, and wait to receive your copy of the magazine.

Note; Netflix jr. only delivers one copy per household or address so the magazine may have to be shared amongst the kids if there is more than one in that household.

Benefits of Netflix jr. Magazine to kids and their parents or guardians.

There are multiple benefits of getting your kids a copy of it. They include;

Provides a fun interesting way of reducing kids’ screen time. More and more parents complain about the increase in screen time for their kids from online schooling to games and so many interactive activities now found onscreen. Netflix jr. Magazine allows kids to be occupied and have interactive fun activities all in print. The activities in the Netflix jr. Magazine have been created and vetted by an early childhood development expert so as a parent, you can be guaranteed that your kids are engaging in healthy fun that boosts their development. All content on the Netflix jr. Magazine is made specifically for kids hence they are family rated. All contents of the magazine are 100% age-appropriate in terms of language, word usage, and many more so your young kids can find it easy to use.


Netflix jr. Magazine is a printed magazine created by experts for kids aimed at providing healthy activities that are engaging and also beneficial to those kids. It is a publication released every quarter and can be gotten for free after subscribing to its official website.