A Hole New World is just one of the projects that is being worked on by the developers at Mad Gear Games, and the two cannot find a better fit anywhere else. Mad Gear Games is a small company with a team that loves old-school games and they are able pour their passion into their recent complex 2D side-scroller. With that said, we were lucky enough to get an interview with them to talk about their current project.

What inspired you guys to create the story of A Hole New World?

What sets this game apart from the other side-scrollers out there on the market?

Where does your love for these retro 2D games come from?

With the industry so full of these 3D games with lifelike graphics, why do you think that games like A Hole New World still hold an appeal to players around the world?

 Looking at some of the gameplay in the trailer, those boss battles look near impossible, is this going to be a more challenging game for players to get past?

How do you want the player to feel as they go through your game?

A Hole New World offers a unique way to play through a 2D side-scroller. It pits the player into different situations and scenarios as it remains true to its old NES feeling. It offers many ways to play in between its worlds and crushes the dreams of players at the end with its unforgiving bosses.

With still 23 days to go, A Hole New World is already 63% funded with just a little more to go. Go check out the game on their Kickstarter page, and thank you so much to Mad Gear Games for the interview!