His significant other, Milka Djurasovic, murdered his little girls. Milka had an emotional well-being condition and conceded that she killed her young lovely girls. Subsequent to killing her two little girls, she strolled around the house prior to kissing and embracing them and putting toys close to their bodies.


She stays at “Regal Perth Hospital” under police monitor. Presently, she is confronting preliminary on charges of killing two lovely girls.

Nenad Djurasovic is the dad of Mia and Tiana.

At the point when they were killed, Mia was ten years of age, and Tiana was six years of age. Nenad Djurasovic observed their bodies at their Madeley home on Friday night.

Right away, Nenad Djurasovic observed Mia’s body inside his home, calling the police. At the point when police showed up, they found the second young lady’s body.

Nenad Djurasovic and ten other relatives were in court today to hear the horrendous subtleties of the young lady’s last minutes. An appointed authority will before long choose if an insane mother was criminally answerable for murdering her little girls.

Nenad Djurasovic’s age isn’t known to general society.

He has not uncovered anything with respect to his own data. That is the reason not a ton is had some significant awareness of his life and vocation.

Be that as it may, he lost her two youthful girls, grieving the misfortune. He’s insane spouse killed his little girls inside their Madeley home while he was working.

— The West Australian (@westaustralian) December 13, 2021

Nenad Djurasovic’s significant other Milka Djurasovic functions as a logical official at the “Red Cross.” The couple lived respectively with their youngsters in suburbia of Perth.

She has battled with declining emotional wellness issues and stressed her youngsters would be constrained into care in the event that she was hospitalized.

Yet, because of her emotional wellness, she murdered her girls. Subsequent to murdering her little girls, she made a few endeavors to end her own life. Yet, just that, she had likewise recorded a video wherein she continually apologized and urged her significant other to let her die.

She had made a few notes where she stated, “I love my young ladies more than anybody, and anything, and I am so upset for not caring for them better.”

Milka Djurasovic’s photograph isn’t accessible on the web as nobody has uncovered it yet.