All you have to do is click here to fill out our submission form. Once that’s done, we’ll be in touch to confirm receipt and assign a journalist to your game! It may take 1 - 2 weeks before your review is posted on the site. If your game is in pre-alpha or looking for Greenlight, you will receive a preview without a star rating. If your game is in beta or out and paid,  you’ll receive a rated review. 

A Heads Up on Our Policies 

If your game isn’t free to play, a free copy or digital key must be provided in order for us to review your game. We’ll pass it along to the assigned journalist, so they can start playing and get to writing.   We’re a games news platform first, so our responsibility is to our readers. We provide fair and objective reviews for all games AAA and indie. Expect an honest review of your title. All reviews will be published on GameSkinny. When a writer takes the time to play the game and write a review, their work deserves to be published.  

We love hearing about new indie games, and we really love writing about them. AAA titles shouldn’t get all the glory. Click here to get started.