In a mistake that was first noticed by Gamepur, Naughty Dog may have just accidentally confirmed the existence of The Last of Us 2. Naughty Dog community strategist Eric Monacelli, writer Josh Scherr and lead animator Eric Baldwin, were talking about facial animations for the Uncharted series and then this gem slips out of Scherr’s mouth.

While this is far from an official confirmation, it’s worth watching the video just to see how flustered Scherr becomes after saying that line. This isn’t the first time we heard rumors of the game’s sequel, though. Voice actor Nolan North made a mistake earlier this year surrounding the game’s sequel as well, but it was quickly corrected.

It would be no surprise if Naughty Dog was planning a sequel to The Last of Us, as it was a major success for them both critically and financially, but with Naughty Dog focusing on the highly anticipated Uncharted 4 it may be while until we hear any official news.